Majority Text

Critical Thinking

“Implication” is the interpretive key unlocking the Holy Scriptures so you see what Christ and His Apostles saw

“Implication” is the interpretive key opening the door to a mass of evidence for postmortem opportunity for salvation.   36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?” 37 Jesus said to him, “`You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38

“Implication” is the interpretive key unlocking the Holy Scriptures so you see what Christ and His Apostles saw Read More »

Revelation 13

Revelation 13:1 “I stood” versus “He stood”

Christians are told scholars establish the “original text” through careful analysis, picking the best variant that conforms to their idea of what the original said. However, that is unsound being circular. They produce a text in their own preconceived image and believe its the truth! They assume where John “stood” or whether he “stood” at

Revelation 13:1 “I stood” versus “He stood” Read More »

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