Prophecy Insights

Does the Bible teach there is a Second Chance to be saved by Jesus?

Save as PDFDiscuss this article at Postmortem Opportunity in Biblical Perspective: Scriptural Proof Universal Opportunity for Salvation in Jesus Spans this life and the After-life As Christ alone is the Door to Salvation, what is the fate of those born before His time, or in places where Christ remained unknown for centuries after His […]

Does the Bible teach there is a Second Chance to be saved by Jesus? Read More »

“It is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment” Hebrews 9:27

Save as PDFDiscuss this article at And as (καθ᾽ ὅσον) it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment (κρίσις). (Heb. 9:27 KJV) If you ask Bible scholars “Will there be a second chance for salvation after death?” many answer “No” and cite Hebrews 9:27 for proof: “While the idea

“It is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment” Hebrews 9:27 Read More »

Critical Thinking

Does this “Grand Theory of Creation” satisfy the “problem of evil?”

Save as PDFIs it possible to reconcile the existence of evil with the Sovereign LORD Yahweh who is Love who is impeccably good? Calvinism emphasizes the absolute sovereignty and predestination of God, therefore must maintain the Sovereign has predestined everything, including ordaining the existence of evil. While they insist this does not make God the

Does this “Grand Theory of Creation” satisfy the “problem of evil?” Read More »

John Calvin

These Three are One in 1 John 5:7

Save as PDFThe Majority Text dates back to the autographs but because it (being excellent copy) was often worn out by use, new copies were continually made. Although these copies are later than those found in ancient garbage dumps and monastery trash bins, that is explained by their excellency causing them to be worn out

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ancient aliens

It is impossible “Ancient Aliens” influenced the Bible

Save as PDFDiscuss this article at Are God and His angels Extraterrestrials? Ancient Alien Theory claims they are astronauts from another planet that primitive humans mistook for gods. Once a theory believed only by “tin foil hatters”, it is rapidly growing in acceptance since the US military released videos confirming UFOs exist[1]: Some have

It is impossible “Ancient Aliens” influenced the Bible Read More »

Angels are cast out

Origin of Satan and Demons

Save as PDFDiscuss this article at Satan is the head of the demons and led their rebellion against God; he now leads them in propagating evil in the world. According to Scripture, Satan was a particularly powerful and high-ranking angel who led one third of the angelic host to rebel against God (Eph 2:2;

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